Mobile Nature Art Kiosk is born in 2020
The Mobile Nature Art Kiosk project that was not on the radar at the start of season. This project formed mid-year to be a suitable covid-era project to activate HMC’s participation in the Trust for Public Land’s 10 Minute Walk initiative. I had the joy to collaborate with Como Park metal artist Gita Ghei to create 4 different nature-based activities to bring community members closer to the greenery in our community. 10 Minute Walk (10MW) is a national movement that calls on mayors to make the 100% Promise, to ensure that 100% of U.S. residents have safe, equitable access to a quality park or green space by 2050. The City of St. Paul is committed to the 100% Promise.
Over the months of September - November 2020, the Mobile Nature Art Kiosk moved from various parks throughout the Midway neighborhood and inside the Kiosk's cabinet were art kits that encourage neighbors of all ages to explore the natural world around us. Even in the built environment like the Hamline Midway, greenspaces and nature are tucked into our urban neighborhood.
I am thrilled to share that the Mobile Nature Art Kiosk distributed 423 individual art kits to neighbors at 5 Midway neighborhood parks in 2020! The kiosk and art kits encouraged neighbors to take a moment to appreciate our local parks and explore them more deeply.